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CandleYear 2005 TributesCandle

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For pet names beginning with "Q".

Q-tip, 02/04/05

My precious Q-tip, my heart is breaking and the tears are falling hard and non stop, even though I had you for 5 years, it seems like just yesterday I took you into our home, you gave me constant and devoted companionship always by my side every minute and hour of the days, my life with yow was filled with many, many, hours of laughter watching you with your quirky little antics and your constant non-stop kitty chattering at me, even on my worst days you always seemed to sense it and did something totally silly to make me laugh and cheer me up again. Q-tip, the last 3 days of your life when you took sick, also took the life out of me, your illness and departure was so sudden, I only hope and pray that you did not suffer, I wish I could of done more to help you, but God wanted you with him now, it was your time and I know with all my heart you are still with me, even after the first day of your passing you have been giving me signs that your still here, signs that only you and I know. My heart is heavy with grief as I am missing you so bad, but I know that you are in heaven and will be waiting for me and what a wonderful time we will have together again. Thank you so much for giving me so much love and laughter, I love you and miss you so much and you are in my heart forever!. Mardy Scott

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