Velcro Kitty, 07/22/06
Velcro was my soul mate. My angel. My best friend.
Velvet, 04/24/84-07/10/05
Dear VeeVee,
What a wild little thing you were when we got you... a barn feral. You
were not interested in being our friend. We slowly began to win your trust,
which was helped by the fact that you did not want to go outside. I have
never seen a kitten who could run for four hours straight...what energy.
All around our house....You seemed to be in motion all the time, even rippling
your back when sitting still. You were very beautiful..a tortoiseshell
with an Asian build, tiny little face, delicate looking.. but wiry and
strong. Your favorite toy was 'squirmee" a caterpillar made by a little
girl, Emily. You were amazingly healthy, and didn't develop kidney trouble
until age 17.The vet put you on a medicine and it maintained you quite
well for 4 more years. After you passed your incredible 21st birthday,
you began to deteriorate..and one day we knew it was time for you to leave
us. We prepared a burial spot on the hillside next to Izzy..and that is
where you are, our dear girl-kitty VeeVee. We miss you very much
Karen & Bob
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