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CandleYear 2011 TributesCandle

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For pet names beginning with "X".

Xena, 2/11/11 Camera Icon

To my Xena who I love very much.  
Thank you for coming into my life and showing me what it is to love an animal. Thank you also for showing me how to appriciate life a little more.  
I wish you could of stayed longer, but I have to accept what the lord chooses.  
You had such a sweet personality and you spread love everywhere you went, because you loved people, other dogs, and other animals.  
I will never forget you my Xena and I hope to one day see you again in rainbow bridge.

Xiao Xiao (pronounced like the show in shower), 08/15/11

Our gorgeous lady, our grand dame, your eyes of golden sunset and your quiet face. You were our first kitty, and so graceful and beautiful. There's not room enough to list how beautiful you are to us. You gave me my dream kitty, your little Yue, my moon girl. You taught a man who had never really owned pets, what pet love is. Not just his, but he learned how pets are an unending fountain of love and comfort no matter how you're feeling. You opened his eyes. Your passing was a sad mistake, but I'm hoping this lesson has taught him to be more careful.

To take only a bit of a beautiful song, this is for you, my beautiful lady:

"Bright Eyes" by Art Garfunkel

Bright eyes... burning like fire
Bright eyes... how could you close and fail?
How can the light that burned so brightly suddenly burn so pale?
Bright eyes...

For any who read this, there was something wonderful to balance all this sadness. Everyone here knows the story of the rainbow bridge. Our apartment building isn't anything special and isn't situated anywhere special. I've lived in this building for near 10 years now and never seen anything special from our 17th floor window. But the day off our loss, later on after we learned she'd fallen from the window after somehow ripping the screen open and getting through, my husband, Yi, was in the livingroom and he called out to me, "Look out the window!" I didn't believe him so asked, "Why?" ""Just come look!" This was before he even had heard of the rainbow bridge. I left the bedroom and stepped out, and there, behind our building, was the most beautiful and thick rainbow I'd ever seen. I knew it right then. The rainbow had shone down so that our lovely lady could climb it and be with all the other little loves we had known in our lives. We knew she was going to be ok. My husband does not believe in the supernatural. He's atheist. But after reading the rainbow bridge poem, he believes in the bridge, and he believes it came for his special girl. That gave him some comfort. Let that bridge comfort anyone else who reads this. It exists. It's real. And your beloved little one will cross it too, and wait joyfully for you to one day return to their side and never be separated again.

We will never forget you, Xiao Xiao. You will always be in our hearts.

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