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CandleYear 2015 TributesCandle

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For pet names beginning with "I".

India, December 8 2003 - March 5 2015 Small Cam

India was the most loving dog you could ever meet. She loved to love, she didn't care who you were, she was just happy to be in your presence. India would give kisses to complete strangers and fall asleep in their laps, just perfectly content in the company of people. She LOVED to cuddle, give kisses, dig holes, and play fetch with the ball that she would carry proudly around the house. She was pure love and happiness, it was hard to look at her and not smile. I could not have asked for a better, sweeter, dog to have in my life. She will be severely missed by all who knew her.
Thank you India for giving us so much love and creating so many smiles and happy memories. We love you so much.
Rest in peace my baby, I know someday we will cuddle again.

Io, August 2008 - May 2015 Small Cam beautiful little girl. Your name came from Jupiter's moon Io and it suited you perfectly. You were my morning coffee buddy. You loved love. You were the most gentle creature I had ever known. I loved you incredibly. You were my best friend. You did not deserve to get your disease and die. I know you are at peace and I think of you everyday. I love you and miss you baby girl.

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