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"Can You Feel The Love Tonight"

candle Year 2023 Tributes candle

(Click HERE for Tributes posted in other years)

For pet names beginning with "S".

Sadie, July 2007 - August 8, 2023 cam

Dear Sadie,

You were my first adult pet. You were a feral and pregnant teenage kitty , something  I wouldn't find out until I saw you in the floor feeding four tiny kittens, that I took in my last year of college. You learned to love and trust me and I loved you with my whole heart. I am going to miss the way you used to bite my toes when I wouldn't feed you fast enough, your 7 am yowls to be fed on the weekend, your soft and beautiful fur, and the way you purred when we took naps together. I will love you and miss you the rest of my life. 16 years wasn't enough and there won't be a day where I won't wish for more time. I hope your energy is running free and wherever you are you know that you were loved completely.

Love forever and always,

Salem, 04/26/2020 - 12/09/2023 cam

I will always love you 💚 my sweet Salem boy jungle cat Halloween decoration. I Hope we gave you a good life. Rest in paradise 🌈
My Salem loved taking walks with me, loved the tall grass outdoors, loved belly rubs, he was scared of farts, he loved to lay on my grandmas bed and make biscuits on my blankets. He was quite the gentleman. Our little man of the house. My heart is full of all our good memories.
💔 For those of you who want to go fast on neighborhood roads. SLOW THE FDOWN. My baby boy is gone because of it.

Sasha, June 10, 2012 - November 14, 2023 cam

It is hard to put into words what I am feeling right now, Sasha.  The loss is too new, too raw, too unexpected.  I was so happy to be coming home from my trip to see my girls - you and your sister.  Instead, halfway there, I got a message that you needed to be taken to the emergency vet.  I got home as soon as I could to you - and am glad that I was able to show you my love and hold you in your final moments.  I will never forget your meow when you brought me your favorite toys.  Or the way you appeared out of nowhere every single time I was on a conference call to let me know that you wanted my attention...right now.  Your purrs, your snuggles, your head-butts.  What will I do without them?  Your sister Zoe and I are so very sad.  I know that you were suffering, and that I did the right thing - but I still wonder.  I hope that you forgive me for not being able to save you.  I know you'll wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge - look for Sophie.  She was my fur baby that went to the Rainbow Bridge before you and Zoe arrived.  She'll show you the way...and you can both watch over me and Zoe till we can get there.  I will miss you so much, my Sasha Pretties, my baby.

Savannah Skye Semmler, July 4 2010 - July 16 2023

Savannah My Sweet baby, you left us suddenly this a.m, you  got so sick got weak this past week but think going on a while few months you weer only with us a short time since you got home from the Hospital,2 weeks ago and only was in our Family with your Sisters only 2 years &about 10 mos. we had no idea your age at the time your Dad found you at the Shelter,vet told us when you had surgery 2 years ago.We Love Miss you already,Sister too  we are so sorry Hope you didn't suffer on your journey this a.m,to Rainbow Bridge.i just checked on you before you passed give you little water I tried to get you stand up, seen you could not stand at the fountain you liked to drink from then I was online  you laid  down & checked again you were gone.we cried  & cried.Always in our Hearts forever. Your Sisters are sad too Sapphire came by got you on the chair here other Sister here and left Just run and Play now run Free be with your Sisters there  you never met Sierra & Sabrina black and white  cat Sabrina has  patch over her right eye.Sapphire & Sequioa miss you too now save a Place for me it won't be long I will look for you all my Babies there, we  got 4 dogs there too at  Rainbow Bridge too,
Love you Hope you Heal & Rest now, Sweet Savannah.Love Mom & Dad too.

Scrappy Rue, 11/11/2008 - 01/13/2023 cam

Hi,baby. We love you so much, and we miss you so much. ❤
See you on the other side, Scrappy-bear. 💖

Smokey Lerner, 4/16/16 - 4/9/23

My sweetheart Smokey, I'm glad for the time we had together. I know I gave you everything and made you very happy.
You were loving, beautiful and funny.. bringing your favorite toy to me if I was away from you for too long.
You gave me so much love.. jumping on my shoulder like a baby and snuggling in my neck.
What a love.
You join Jasper and Russell now, healthy and young again, one day for all of us to be reunited.

Snoopy, 06/15/2011 - 06/16/2023 cam

You had my heart from the day Robyn opened that door and you came bounding out.  We are so grateful to her for allowing us to adopt you into our family.  You were the most loving, loyal and one of the funniest dogs I ever had, and you were the most amazing big brother and companion to Tedley we could of ever asked for.  The way the two of you greeted us in the front window every time we came home, it’s such a unique, indescribable feeling of love that I  truly believe one can only get from the heart of a dog.  I’m so thankful we  were all there
with you as you crossed over the Rainbow Bridge, and I’m so glad you got to do it so peacefully, in your own way, in your own time.  I trust all of our angels who have gone on before you, were there to greet you and embrace you in their love, and I know they will take good care of you until we meet again.  I have to believe that.  In the meantime, I know this huge hole in our hearts over time will be filled with wonderful memories of our adventures together, “Pupperoni mornings” and “Buddy Biscuit” nights.  You are loved beyond measure and will be missed beyond words.  Thank you for all of your unconditional love, for putting up with the crazy things we did to you, and all the smiles.  Rest in peace my sweet boy.  My Snoopy, (“Snoop,” “Snoopy Doop, “ “Snooper Dooper, “ “bud,” brudder, “ “Mac Attack”.

Spike Rullo, 12/01/2008 - 07/28/2023 cam

The absolute sweetest dog ever. I miss you Spikey and can’t wait to see and cuddle you again. You are missed by so many people.

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