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MindSight, 11/11/85-06/19/97

Fifteen pounds, three months old, covered in tics
A birthday present for a man who did not want you, and never loved you
Chewed books
Chewed pants
Torn up carpet
Sleeping at the end of the bed
Little Ms. MindSight you stole my heart

"Get your Leash"
"Go for walkies"
Try to pull my arm off smelling all the smells
The apartment's too small for you, but you handle it well
Play fetch down the hallway, never give up that ball
Baby Girl MindSight your mine from now on

A yard to dig holes in
A house just for you
Mud on the carpet, and hair on the sofa
When no one is looking you sleep on the bed
Found your way back when the men let you out
And you'd only been there less than a week
We play tug of war, and you dig yet more holes
Miss MindSight's a big girl, and still a baby at heart

Scriptor and ENIAC, your little boys
You clean them, and watch them
They steal you treats
You love being MaMa
You do it so well
Big Girl Miss MindSight, how far you have come

I'm so sorry baby
I never should have left you
After six months alone with him
The happy little puppy is somewhere inside
But where I'm not sure
I can see all your ribs
You've lost 20 pounds
You hide under the bed
Baby Miss MindSight, please forgive me

You have a new boyfriend
You meet him at the door
He's come to see you, not me
You know that for sure
You know when he's sick
You don't like it a bit
You still have some scars from the first one
But they are fading away quick
Miss MindSight's in love, it will last for the rest of her life

First it was thunder
Then lightning
Now rain
Poor big girl hates all the storms
The older you get, the worse it is
But Thunder Monsters will never get you
MaMa protects, ENIAC too
Whisper and Bandit watch for the small Monsters
Don't worry Miss MindSight, they'll go away soon
I will never leave you again
Every where that I move, you'll be there
You're safe with me
No one will ever hurt you again
Miss MindSight hates boxes, but MaMa is near

The first wag in years
At Christmas no less
Your boyfriend is here, and everyone's happy
Bouncing and wagging and just like a pup
Who's the bestest big girl?
Miss MindSight, that's who!

Kittens to love on
To clean and to hold
At first a bit much - drenched kitten
But they love you
They sleep with you
Play with you
Hate when you're out without them
You come when they call
Mommie MindSight raises the best puppy-kitties of all

You are such a good girl
We've been through so much
A mean old ex-husband
College and more,
Your the best math puppy of all
We've moved and we've moved
We've buried ENIAC, and lost Whisper
But still you were here
Twelve and a half years, still a puppy at heart
You died in your sleep, on our bed that we shared
Miss MindSight I miss you. Sleep tight my big girl.

Margo Carr June 19, 1997

Miss. MindSight went to sleep June 19, 1997 between 8:30am and 10:30am today.